Corporate Governance
Good governance is our approach to maintain the right balance in our pursuit of business long-term success and sustainable value creation
Our Aspiration
Our Approach
Our Practice
EBC embraces a comprehensive governance framework and an operating model spanning:
- Governance structures: the board and the organization levels
- Oversight & Responsibilities:Board oversight and authorities as well as management responsibilities and authorities
- Talent & Culture:Performance management, business and operating principles, leadership and talents
- Governance rules and dynamics: Policies, procedures, reporting and communication
- Continuous improvement :to support decision-making and risk management
Our Board of Directors sets the tone at the top, manifesting principles of fairness, openness, accountability and integrity in the Boardroom and providing exemplary leadership for the organization. EBC’s board plays an instrumental role in:
- Strategic direction through setting vision, purpose and strategies of the organization, helping the organization understand them and adapting the plans to implement them.
- Leadership exemplifying Ethics and embedding the Culture by setting the tone for ethical and responsible decision-making throughout the organization.
- Risk Management by putting in place an appropriate system of risk oversight and internal controls, executive committees can help increase the likelihood that their organizations will deliver on their purpose.
- Organizational Performance Standards by setting performance goals and ensuring efficient utilization of organizational resources.
The company’s board of directors plays a pivotal role in determining the governance rules and requirements that will enable the company to achieve its objectives, while the implementation of these rules remains reliant on the active participation of all employees. We have established governance and management practices that are consistent with our relentless commitment to creating long-term value. These practices are part of the reason that we have evolved into the trusted national operator of the national payment systems.
- Adopting Corporate Governance Manual that defines the general guidelines and common set of expectations to assist the Board in performing their duties. The Code is subject to reviewing and updating as appropriate to reflect regulatory requirements, evolving best practices and input from our shareholders and other stakeholders.
- Fostering a Corporate Culture of integrity and risk awareness through the Board’s oversight of EBC’s integrated risk management framework and organizational awareness programs.
- Establishing trusted means for employees to raise issues and concerns in line with the Whistleblowing policy, and promoting trust, positivity while ensuring protection and confidentiality of the process.
- Supporting decision making through ensuring the flow of information to the board, transparency and accountability to external stakeholders and to employees throughout the company; and ensuring the integrity of financial statements and other key information.
- Fostering Effective Engagement with stakeholders across corporate channels, through accurate and timely messages to the concerned stakeholders and allowing for feedback channels in line with our Disclosure Policy.
- Ensuring clarity of roles and segregation of duties while clearly setting organizational expectations of executives and the organization.