Corporate Governance

Good governance is our approach to maintain the right balance in our pursuit of business long-term success and sustainable value creation

Our Aspiration

We strive to create an environment of accountability, trust and quality in our business, in order to foster business integrity and long-term responsible growth. As much as we succeed on this course, we ensure maximizing value continuously for our shareholders and stakeholders.

Our Approach

We believe that strong corporate governance ensures that our business remains resilient, by promoting strategies for long-term success and growth, sharpening our focus on interest of all stakeholders, strengthening risk management and management systems. With every business decision, we ensure alignment with our mission, observance of our code of conduct and opportunities for long-term value.

Our Practice

Strengthening corporate governance is an ongoing process that comes at the far front of EBC’s strategic priorities.

EBC embraces a comprehensive governance framework and an operating model spanning:

Our Board of Directors sets the tone at the top, manifesting principles of fairness, openness, accountability and integrity in the Boardroom and providing exemplary leadership for the organization. EBC’s board plays an instrumental role in:

The company’s board of directors plays a pivotal role in determining the governance rules and requirements that will enable the company to achieve its objectives, while the implementation of these rules remains reliant on the active participation of all employees. We have established governance and management practices that are consistent with our relentless commitment to creating long-term value. These practices are part of the reason that we have evolved into the trusted national operator of the national payment systems.