We are determined to deliver positive impact across our surroundings; our economy, society and environment. Supported by responsible shareholders, our success as a business is defined by the sustainable value we are able to deliver to all our stakeholders.
Our Commitment to delivering sustainable impact
through three strategic imperatives
1. Ethical Culture
We nurture a culture of commitment to our values, business conduct and ethics. OUR VALUES … Our Creed A key differentiator for all EBCians. The way we do our business successfully and sustain our success in the future. Working to our Standards and Ethical Conduct At EBC, we believe that working to our standards and business conduct is not only the right thing to do, but also the way we sustain our business success and leadership. Our code of business conduct is our ethos to remain ahead and continue maximizing value for all of our stakeholders. Read More…
2. Financial Inclusion
Financial inclusion is one of the main pillars supporting Egypt’s vision 2030 for sustainable development (SDS), which aims to expand access to financial services. In October 2022, the Central Bank of Egypt announced the “Financial Inclusion Strategy Framework 2022-2025”; an overarching framework ensuring consensus among stakeholders over the financial inclusion roadmap and objectives.
EBC prides itself as an enabler of financial inclusion and serving as the CBE’s technological arm for building and operating a robust infrastructure for electronic payments. EBC has contributed actively to its role through introducing successful cash displacements accelerating the shift to non-cash payments. We will continue leveraging every potential to support the transition to a less cash dependent society. Read More..
123 Shared ATM Network
0 Million
Automatic Clearing House
0 Trillion
Meeza Digital Wallers
0 Million
Meeza Cards Scheme
0 Million
Instant Payment Network
0 Million
3. Responsible Growth
Engagement with our stakeholders, geograohical focus and collaboration with NGOs are key ingredients for creating impact, Our commitment to sustainable growth is deeply rooted in who we are and what we stand for. We believe sustainable growth is about our ability to maintain a balanced focus between today and tomorrow in all our decisions and approaches. We aim to create impact through addressing each of the following objectives. Read More…